great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them
Psalm 111:2

Kingdom Seekers

Held every other Thursday evening for girls from the ages of 7-13. Bible lessons based on the theme "The Fruit of the Spirit" are taught during this time as well as crafts. A ministry to senior ladies of the church is being incorporated into the program. The girls are also given an opportunity to work on badges in conjunction with the Kingdom Seekers program.


Cadets is a program which is held every other Thursday evening for boys from the ages of 7-13. Bible studies, based on the theme "Living for Jesus" are taught as well as crafts during this time. Work on badges from the Cadet program may be incorporated into the evenings activities as well.

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study meets every other Tuesday morning. The study is open to women of all ages. Nursery is provided for young children in addition to a Bible Story Hour for preschoolers of 3-5 years of age.


Classes are held every Wednesday evening for the youth aged 13-18. Bible lessons are based on the confessions of the church as found in the Heidelberg Catechsim, Canons of Dort, and the Belgic Confession.

Teen Club, Young Peoples, College and Careers, and other Bible Studies

These ministries are held at various times and places throughout the week. Please contact a church member for more information on these activities.